What the BMJ VAERS investigation missed
Foreign VAERS reports are a big mystery, and no journalist seems remotely interested in what is going on
Most foreign VAERS reports are filed by healthcare professionals, and are more detailed on average than US VAERS reports
As a result, I was able to infer at least three things using foreign VAERS reports
So-called “crazy” or “fake” VAERS reports are a very small fraction of total reports and can in fact be automatically ignored by using Machine Learning models
Japan explicitly stated that the mRNA vaccine was responsible for deaths in over a hundred cases
Hundreds of clearly healthy people died after taking the mRNA vaccine
I have listed a few unanswered questions about foreign VAERS reports, which suggests that foreign reports have simply not received the scrutiny that they deserve
If you haven’t read it yet, I recommend you spend some time reading the recent VAERS investigation from the British Medical Journal. It is a great article, and manages to condense what is a deep and complex topic into a fairly short and very readable summary.
The fact that there are two versions - a public and a private database - is not the most mysterious aspect of it (Although it is probably the most scandalous aspect of it)
In my opinion, foreign reports and the general lack of interest about them, are the most mysterious aspect of VAERS.
How foreign VAERS reports are different from US reports
There is something very different about foreign VAERS reports when compared to US VAERS reports. Foreign VAERS reports are on average much more detailed than US VAERS reports1.
This is because foreign VAERS reports were often reported by a healthcare professional, and as a result they had a lot more signal and lot less noise in the text writeup.
Identifying REPORTER field from the writeups of serious VAERS reports
Three things I could infer from detailed foreign VAERS reports
Here are some things I was able to discover because the foreign VAERS reports are usually very detailed.
You can use foreign VAERS reports to show that the so-called “crazy” reports are actually a very small fraction of all the VAERS reports, and that you can even use a ML model to automatically filter out low-signal reports2.
Quantifying "crazy" VAERS reports
A second thing you can infer by reading detailed VAERS reports is that at least one country actually pointed out that the vaccines were causing death.
Analyzing Japan VAERS death reports
And a third thing you can infer from detailed VAERS reports is that some clearly healthy people died after taking the mRNA vaccines.
Did clearly healthy people die from the mRNA vaccines?
When you do large scale text analysis on VAERS, it is possible to make these and other kinds of discoveries.
This is why the lack of curiosity about VAERS (and vaccine injuries in general) among the AI and Machine Learning communities has been very strange.
Questions about foreign VAERS reports
Here is a list of questions I have about the foreign VAERS reports.
1 When are foreign VAERS reports filed?
There are now over 600,000 foreign VAERS reports for the COVID19 vaccine.
For something so enormous, you might think people would have simple, direct answers for a question like -
a) when exactly are foreign VAERS reports filed?
b) More specifically, given that the EU countries have their own vaccine adverse event monitoring system, why do some of these events end up in foreign VAERS and others do not?
There seems to be a fundamental lack of curiosity here which is hard to explain.
2 Why did the CDC stop publishing the text writeups for EU VAERS?
In November 2022, the CDC stopped publishing the text writeups for EU VAERS reports. The reason they provided was “privacy”.
This meant, for example, that we lost the signal about serious diseases like CJD3
As a result, the CDC Wonder VAERS search (which is already unusable even for US VAERS reports) became completely useless for analyzing foreign VAERS data.
For example, you cannot even identify country-specific EU VAERS reports, because one of the fields the CDC stopped publishing was the SPLTTYPE field which has the country codes.
3 Why is the age field not coded for so many foreign VAERS reports?
I first got interested in VAERS when I realized that there were a lot of VAERS reports where the text writeup clearly mentions the age of the patient, while the AGE_YRS field is blank.
So I wrote a simple Python script using the spaCy NLP library to identify the age for these reports.
Then I realized that a LOT of foreign VAERS reports were not coding the age even though it is mentioned in the writeup. What is the reason for this?
4 Why is the CDC Wonder VAERS search so dysfunctional?
And this dysfunction is especially clear when searching for foreign VAERS reports.
For example, recently one of the vaccine pushers made a big fool of himself because he was not even aware of foreign VAERS reports.
This is not an isolated example.
You will usually see that the other vaccine pushers latch on to all kinds of bad data analysis based on CDC Wonder VAERS search because
a) they are usually too lazy to do any legwork
Are animal bite VAERS reports "negative controls"?
b) the CDC Wonder VAERS search tool is actually so bad the vaccine pushers often don’t even understand their mistakes.
For example, our good friend David Gorski realized that he does not even have the energy to figure out the CDC Wonder VAERS search so he could investigate something as simple as counting up numbers.
Now, I do find it a little ironic that someone who never bothered to do the legwork of understanding a CDC Wonder VAERS search (which takes a few minutes at most) accuses someone else of "never bothering to read the methods” (which probably takes a few hours), but maybe that’s just me.
There are a lot of unanswered questions about foreign VAERS, which simply never got the scrutiny that it deserved.
I hope the author of the BMJ investigation does a followup which focuses on foreign VAERS reports.
Even though VAERS was created in the US, in my opinion the US did not do a good job of filing and publishing VAERS reports for the COVID19 vaccines compared to foreign territories, whatever the reason.
Not all low-signal reports are fake or crazy, but they will be dismissed by the vaccine pushers as “lacking any detail”, so it is not necessarily a bad idea to just ignore them anyway
I don’t have a background in medicine, but I chose CJD out of many possible adverse events because I was told CJD is both extremely deadly and extremely rare.
What supersedes even two VAERS databases (internal and external), is the fact that "VAERS does not publish all legitimate reports received". Even RFKjr was told by VAERS processors 150K reports had disappeared (never published) way back on ~June 11, 2021.
BMJ and the public are just now becoming aware that "only initial reports are published, even though VAERS continues to collect follow-up data, hence the two databases."
Only initial reports are made public begs the question, how many people are now since dead in VAERS, and why did VAERS arbitrarily create this huge paradigm in Jan 2011 shortly after the Harvard Pilgrim Study was released in late 2010?
Deepest knowledge here: https://welcometheeagle.substack.com/p/the-bmj-investigates-the-broken-system.
VAERS scrubbing foreign reports based on HIPPA or the request of MHRA & EU is semantics. I believe I have evidence VAERS scrubs data critical data fields in the domestic data before publication, like age and state location data. I believe VAERS even manipulates the "entered date" of reports received. The sacred time stamp that can not be altered by any outside source except internally by VAERS, I believe is being altered. There are a few reports Medalerts has officially even caught them.