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What supersedes even two VAERS databases (internal and external), is the fact that "VAERS does not publish all legitimate reports received". Even RFKjr was told by VAERS processors 150K reports had disappeared (never published) way back on ~June 11, 2021.

BMJ and the public are just now becoming aware that "only initial reports are published, even though VAERS continues to collect follow-up data, hence the two databases."

Only initial reports are made public begs the question, how many people are now since dead in VAERS, and why did VAERS arbitrarily create this huge paradigm in Jan 2011 shortly after the Harvard Pilgrim Study was released in late 2010?

Deepest knowledge here: https://welcometheeagle.substack.com/p/the-bmj-investigates-the-broken-system.

VAERS scrubbing foreign reports based on HIPPA or the request of MHRA & EU is semantics. I believe I have evidence VAERS scrubs data critical data fields in the domestic data before publication, like age and state location data. I believe VAERS even manipulates the "entered date" of reports received. The sacred time stamp that can not be altered by any outside source except internally by VAERS, I believe is being altered. There are a few reports Medalerts has officially even caught them.

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