Is our last hope that pharma companies throw shade on each other's product?

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Look at the positive side of this.

These are not people driven by ideology. They are only driven by money, power and maybe some kind of game theoretic calculation of having to face the least amount of problems as they acquire these things.

In other words, when push comes to shove, they will gladly throw each other under the bus.

I don't see why that's our headache.

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It's not bad, but they will probably get the .gov to enforce order and stop such "negative" behavior. It has to be an orderly market to be profitable.

Interesting though that each major power (US, EU, Russia, China, India) has its own vaccine. A new multi-polar world may also be reflected in medicine.

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Values for the 'SEX' column in VAERS should be Y, N, U, or Frequently.

A new 'Gender' column can be M, F, or 'How Dare You'

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By the way, isn't it funny that the single injection with boosters about every 6 months in AstraZeneca and J&J match the protocol of the mammal immunocontraceptive GonaCon, and that the GonaCon patent specifies a protein combined with amino acid just like in the original 2013 Brit series Utopia, about a plan to save planet earth by engineering a virus so the sterilization ingredient could be included in the vaccine, to save planet earth in a compassionate way rather than any need to kill anyone directly. The deaths would be yeah sorry our bad but do stay focused on those, a fortunate distraction.

Also funny that the 2 shots, 3 weeks apart version, with boosters about every 6 months or so by Pfizer and Moderna match the protocol of Pzp (porcine zona pellucida), the other mammal immunocontraceptive used on 80 mammals successfully for 20 years.

Even funnier that whenever these are mentioned, everyone just ignores it rather than educating themselves by doing some further reading about them on their own and finding all of the many other dots that also connect.

VAERS doesn't have a field for AZ but people sneak reports in there. J&J has batches that expire in 2024, but otherwise any buzz over the single shot versions would seem to be gone, almost as if pulled from the market. (Reports are down too, only 200/month in 2023 on J&J in VAERS).


There is so much fertile ground for discussing fertility that I submit to the borg out there resistance is fertile.

The harm could be from reactions with things that humans consume anywhere in a spectrum from the innocuous like artificial sweeteners or caffeine all the way to pharma's SSRI's.

Population growth continues at 215,000 new consumers per day (down from 234,000 in 2020), and discussion of the topic makes a lot of people angry which I'm pretty sure blinds them.

So from my high horse I like to say:

You're all very sharp and awake, are you sure you wouldn't like to take the next step by opening your eyes?

To the globalists I say, like you, I too am not a fan of plan B and C, managed famines, widespread war for culling the herd but what about gift cards for any vasectomy volunteers?

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