Sep 15Liked by Aravind Mohanoor

You investigated this topic so deeply and straightforwardly, I'm now inclined to be open to the possibility that increases in excess deaths might not be vaccine-related. Till now I figured it was a no-brainer that they were.

So I wonder, have you looked into Edward Dowd's supporting evidence for a positive connection between excess deaths and the COVID vaccines? Is it up to your standards? I tried reading his book but got a little turned off by the pageant of (horrific) individual cases. There were many, and they seemed alarming -- but that was probably the intention, more of a sales pitch than evidence. However there were statistical arguments as well. Despite the emotional pandering, which I think was a bad choice, might there still be something to his hypothesis?

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I really appreciate this comment, as it is very hard to persuade anyone nowadays when it comes to data analysis. I once heard Scott Adams say 250K people die in the US every week. At first I did not believe that, and then verified that he was right.

So it is best to be very cautious about anecdotal evidence even if it starts mounting up into the hundreds of deaths.

Other than that, I don't have any special insight into Ed Dowd's work. But I have to commend EVERYONE who is willing to speak up about this topic these days, because it is not that hard to see we are ALL being economically blacklisted by people who don't have the courage to speak up.

This isn't to say I think the COVID19 vaccines are safe. I don't think they are safe, that's why I have written so many articles about it! The absolute refusal of the concerned authorities to do proper data analysis is a bit of a tell. Almost every data analysis they publish has become third-rate.

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Sep 15Liked by Aravind Mohanoor

Also, kudos for getting through the entire Dan Wilson video. I tried, but he kept cutting the HighWire video at the point they were about to explain what Dan Wilson said they didn't explain, which is that VSafe provides no way to capture data on AESI other than the free text entries. Unambiguous column semantics dedicated to a particular AE were only used for minor AE. This was clearly CDC's way of doing an end-run around reporting serious adverse events. They designed and built an intentionally handicapped system (at great expense).

The Dan Wilson video was so frustrating to watch, I finally resorted to just reading your analysis (which was very good, finding flaws on both sides).

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This is why I built my OutScript app, I can at least avoid RE-listening to Dan Wilson's condescending voice! :-)


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