Thank you for your further investigation, Aravind. In my opinion, the most concerning thing is not that these apparently duplicate reports were deleted, but that they and their twins were included in the first place. They don't seem to have been submitted through the standard VAERS process, and as such, could sometimes represent duplicate reports if a family member or medical professional already submitted a more complete, identifiable report on the same individual. If anything, VAERS staff are being way too liberal in including these reports which degrade the quality of the VAERS. Maybe that's the intent, or maybe it's just another sign of an incompetent government contractor and lack of meaningful oversight by CDC/FDA.
Thank you for your further investigation, Aravind. In my opinion, the most concerning thing is not that these apparently duplicate reports were deleted, but that they and their twins were included in the first place. They don't seem to have been submitted through the standard VAERS process, and as such, could sometimes represent duplicate reports if a family member or medical professional already submitted a more complete, identifiable report on the same individual. If anything, VAERS staff are being way too liberal in including these reports which degrade the quality of the VAERS. Maybe that's the intent, or maybe it's just another sign of an incompetent government contractor and lack of meaningful oversight by CDC/FDA.