John Campbell's recent vid on YT says Iceland stopping use of Moderna totally because of these heart problems but continuing with Pfizer. Is their data so different?

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Some people on Twitter have asked why almost no one is scrutinizing Moderna as much as Pfizer. I don't really know the answer.

If you look at the PHPMT site, there are over 2500 documents from Pfizer, and only 50 from Moderna, and most of those are quite recent.

From the perspective of data analysis, Pfizer is being scrutinized a lot more for now, simply because of the larger surface area. I think that will change once more of Moderna's information comes online.

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Might have something to do with many governments giving loads of dosh for R&D and factories to Moderna! As you say, the data from Moderna and AZ is coming out, but all too slowly, in my opinion.

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Looks like almost all of the 260+ foreign heart inflammation reports were published *after* date of publication of Pfizer PVP? A very small number of reports prior to end of June, then over two hundred reports in July?

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Yes, that's exactly what happened, and that's how Pfizer was able to get away with the undercounting (and I am sure they have some CDC WONDER search screenshots somewhere "proving" their results).

The question is - what was the reason for the delay? It needs more investigation.

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