If you had to choose one anecdote to show to people who are pro-mRNA vaccines
This story of a senior manager at Amazon is probably the best encapsulation of everything that went wrong with the mRNA vaccine rollout
Steve Kirsch shared the story of Victor Simoes on Twitter recently
If you read the full story, you will find out that Victor actually was working as a Senior Manager at Amazon.
To point out that Victor had immense potential would be understating the case quite a bit.
Victor accomplished more in his 34 years than most do in a lifetime. He was a graduate of Boston College, received an M.B.A. from Northwestern Kellogg, and worked currently as a Senior Manager at Amazon in Seattle. Prior to working at Amazon, Victor resided in Chicago and was instrumental in initiating two healthcare startups, Innoblative and Edge Surgical.
He died 15 days after taking the 1st dose of the Pfizer vaccine.
Simoes, a senior manager at Amazon, received his first Pfizer shot on April 20, 2021, at a Seattle, Washington Safeway.
Fifteen days later, he woke up feeling unwell and had chest pains, Henrietta said. He called an ambulance and told his girlfriend he “wasn’t right,” and needed to get checked out.
“When his girlfriend arrived, he introduced her to the medics and then collapsed,” Henrietta said. “He was unresponsive from that point on.”
Simoes was intubated in the ambulance and was taken to Harborview Medical Center in Seattle. Thirty minutes later he was declared dead, Henrietta said.
Even those who supported mandates were not spared
As this story shows, even a Big Tech employee died shortly after taking the vaccine.
I had an interesting conversation with a Twitter acquaintance recently
The further answers by Norman are interesting, but here is the bigger point I am making - nearly everyone who supported vaccine mandates (such as Big Tech companies) actually took the vaccine.
I very much doubt the notion1 that the folks who supported and enforced vaccine mandates had access to some “safe batch”.
I think they simply ignored all the vaccine injuries, and were willing to trust the CDC that there was some other reason for the adverse health outcome (which was a bad idea, and this story also shows why).
Also, it is worth noting that between them, Big Tech companies had more than a million employees in September 2021 according to ChatGPT.
Since every country had its own vaccine policy, I narrowed down my question for only the US.
This adds up to about 1.1 million Big Tech employees in the US alone.
The best study on mRNA vaccine safety calculated that there is 1 death every 100K doses. So I would be a bit surprised if there weren’t more such vaccine injury deaths even among the Big Tech employees2.
Sudden deaths are not being investigated
The details are provided on the Children’s Health Defense website article.
Here is a quick summary:
1 Victor’s mother Henrietta, who is a teacher with a law degree3, did an autopsy which did not show any pre-existing conditions
2 She filed a VAERS report because the hospital did not do it
3 She later called the CDC because no one from the CDC had contacted her, and the CDC sent a generic email reply
4 Victor’s mother contacted the CDC a second time after learning that Pfizer wanted 75 years to publish all their trial result data
5 CDC sent another reply with a citation to a study done based on the Vaccine Safety Datalink but still did not ask for Victor’s autopsy report
Some people refer to VAERS as “dumpster diving” and ask us to “trust the VSD studies” instead.
They claim that the CDC does follow up on all the serious VAERS reports so that nothing falls through the cracks.
First of all, this anecdotal story shows that is simply not true.
But even if the lack of followup is “very rare”, this is one of those worst types of “technically true” statements because the followup reports are actually deleted from public VAERS, making the vaccines look a lot safer than they are.
How the VAERS followup process hides death reports
And even if you give the CDC the benefit of the doubt over followup reports, there is still a big loophole that no one seems to even know about - if someone dies suddenly, like it happened for Victor, there are no records at any hospital and nothing gets sent to the CDC (emphasis mine).
In the case of many vaccine injury stories reported by The Defender, including Simoes’, medical records are not available for those who suddenly die after receiving a COVID vaccine and did not make it to a hospital for treatment — which according to the VAERS website, means the CDC is not following up on these reported deaths in VAERS.
Think about that.
A seemingly healthy 34 year old working as a Senior Manager at a Big Tech company “dies suddenly”, the CDC does not have any records to investigate, and they don’t even ask the mother for the autopsy reports that she already had.
Big Tech censored the story
So the first thing you might ask is - why didn’t the other Amazon employees who worked with Victor raise any questions?
After all, weren’t these Big Tech companies pushing for people to get vaccinated well after June 2021?
Here is what I believe happened:
1 Big Tech trusted that the CDC knew what it was doing (even though the CDC mostly treated Big Tech employees like complete idiots)
2 In turn, Big Tech agreed to censor vaccine injuries because they did not want to “promote vaccine hesitancy”.
Allowing the story of Victor to be shared widely would be a good example of a true story that could promote vaccine hesitancy. I would not be surprised if Amazon suppressed the story internally.
For example, Victor’s mother mentioned on her second call to the CDC that she herself knew four people who died after taking the Pfizer vaccine.
3 In turn, Big Tech’s censorship made it look like vaccine injuries were actually very rare. Maybe CDC knew, but people who would have otherwise been skeptical were not really raising any questions.
It created this very strange situation where anyone who did some legwork could immediately see something was wrong, but they were censored so much that most people never realized what was going on.
Since most people were completely unaware of the censorship, this created the illusion that the COVID19 vaccines were perfectly safe.
Occam's Eraser
Now, it is actually pretty hard to categorically prove that Big Tech censored this particular story.
But here is what happens when you search for the exact URL of the article on Twitter (I have sorted in reverse chronological order to explain it better):
The featured image becomes very prominent after Nov 2022.
This is from May 2023:
But before that, most of the shares do not display the Featured Image, and also lop off a big part of the URL even if nothing other than the URL is being shared
But it is not done uniformly for all Twitter accounts, so I also saw a few which did prominently display the featured image when the article was published, even for small follower accounts:
If anyone has any explanation for this, please let me know in the comments.
However, it is quite clear that the algorithm was doing something to throttle the discovery of this article until Elon bought Twitter.
In my opinion, this story encapsulates just about everything which went wrong with the mRNA vaccine rollout.
An immunologist concluded that a blood serum analysis showed that Victor had suffered from a severe inflammatory response to the vaccine.
“My life is now that of a bereaved mother,” Simoes said. “I grieved for the life I envisioned and no longer have. I grieve for my other children who have lost a beloved brother and uncle to their future children. But mostly, I grieve for the life Victor did not get to live.”
The side effects of the vaccine aren’t rare when they happen to your son, Simoes said.
“I don’t want to ever hear again that the side effects are rare,” she said. “I don’t want to hear it was for the greater good. To those who say collateral damage is to be expected, I ask you which one of your children would you be willing to give up for the team?”
Simoes called the vaccine rollout a “fraud perpetrated on the American people by our government, health agencies, and Big Pharma.”
“What I want is justice,” Simoes said. “The fraud perpetrated must lead to the piercing of the veil so we must hold those civilly and criminally responsible. We must continue to fight.”
The only exception I will make is for Pharma employees who studied the safety data in close detail. That number is probably in the hundreds at most, too small to matter for my analysis.
Also it is 1 per 100K doses and not per 100K people. Each additional dose obviously increased the risk.
Personally, I think her law degree helped a lot here, because I doubt a less knowledgeable person would have put up with this much CDC stonewalling crap to document the case this well
RIP Victor.
Arvind, I am hoping you can comment on a recently published vaccine study for Children's Health Defense. Can you get in touch? Angelodp@gmail.com