Thank you , Aravind. The periodicity of v-safe's throttling in interesting. I can understand a 3 month cycle, a 6 month cycle, or a one-year cycle, but not all of them together. It makes me think that the ONSET_DATEs of some v-safe reports may be missing or imputed. That is, v-safe staff might just put placeholder dates (the first or middle of a month, say) for some events when they don't know the dates. Likewise, it might be worth investigating how often v-safe makes reports and their schedule. For instance, maybe v-safe reports on a monthly or quarterly basis (as indicated by RECVDATE), sending all reports as a batch, perhaps aligned with the placeholder dates (such as the first or middle of a month). Intermittent reporting like this, combined with missing/imputed ONSET_DATEs could possibly produce the peaks at 3, 6, and 12 months. However, I don't know why v-safe wouldn't know the dates of events, but I haven't seen the inner workings of the v-safe app.

I think you've interpreted RECVDATE correctly in this article, except for this statement: "The RECVDATE indicates the date when the report is actually published to VAERS (so it becomes public)." RECVDATE is when VAERS receives the report from the reporter (in this case, v-safe). I don't think there is a field for the date a report is published on VAERS. That's something an analyst has to add -- as MedAlerts and WelcomeTheEagle88 do. WelcomeTheEagle88's analysis of throttled reports focuses on the delay between RECVDATE and the VAERS publication date.

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I find it amazing how nearly every new piece of information I learn is only worse for the vaccine rollout process.

It is very rare to come across new information which makes the vaccine rollout process look better.

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Yes so basically in the last ~6months, there is over 10K reports where VAERS has held the report in their possession 240days< before publishing to the world. If you push the "lag days" back between date received and date published, the throttling just grows exponentially! https://imgur.com/gallery/83perIm The other type of throttling existing with deaths is the delay between death date and VAERS received date. I give some examples here (both types of throttling) where each image is hyperlinked to the actual report.: https://www.vaersaware.com/throttled-deaths

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