Dec 22, 2023Liked by Aravind Mohanoor

When completing an online form for vehicle insurance, for example, your application will not be accepted if you do not fill the required fields, DOB, or whether you have ever made a claim. I find the box labelled "Life Threatening" which has options of Yes/No to quite often be populated with "No" but then further down box labelled "Died" is populated "Yes", quite odd! From all that's been happening and all you data analysts looking closely at the VAERS and other systems, I have no doubt that a near perfect reporting system could be built with easier user interface to ensure consistency. The question is, would the powers that be want it too? Thank you for the work you do.

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I agree Markker but the current powers that be will never allow the truth to come out about vaccines. Maybe if RFK Jr was elected the truth would come out but I don't think he has much chance.

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Although RFK Jnr and CHD have been campaigning for safer vaccines, my research over the past 3 years has shown that virology is just a theory based on circular reasoning, no institute in the world holds any physical samples of any virus, unlike bacterium, no-one has ever managed to deliberately infect another with said virus and then extract same virus from that person. Also, although only a small percentage remain, just over 1% of kids in USA are unvaccinated but studies show they do not suffer the chronic illnesses, allergies, neuro problems, ADHD, Autism, etc. than the vaccinated ones do. In the book, Dissolving Illusions, the evidence is there that deaths were negligeable well before any vaccines brought out due to better sanitation, nuitrition, stopping child labour in factories. Also the previous so called pandemics, like Spanish flu, polio, HIV, were caused by either medical interventions, toxins, DDT. Just learned the other day that the vit K given to new borns is not the natural healthy one called K2, but a synthetic, carcenoginic one, that exceeds an adult dose by 3.5 times. Another researcher analysed as many childhood vaccines on USA list as he could where full ingredients listed and had to do lots of conversions as lots listed in many different formats. Stuff called adjuvants, like mercury, aluminium, others too, far exceed what is considered safe. We know from deceased dementia patients brains they have high levels of aluminium. I'm sure the dementias and cancers will, are already developing sooner. We know that Gates wants more vaccines, especially in 3rd world countries (where most of world's resources are found, yet the people still poor?) Surely, getting clean water, proper sanitation everywhere, should be the number one priority, not vaccines? Until 3 years ago, I believed vaccination to be vital but our bodies, if nourished properly, food, sleep, sunshine, can cope. We are bombarded with toxins, pollution, chemtrails, food additives, (the stuff used to make bacon and hams look pink is carcenogenic), flouride in toothpaste and water supplies. The list is endless. My new thinking is that when one becomes ill, it is your body in overdrive, expunging these toxins and preventing a fever by meds will halt this. This realisation, I believe, will if used when young and fitter, will prevent toxin build up which can cause more serious illness, maybe hospitalisation, when older. Pity I'm nearly 70 before I learned this!

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I have been on that same journey and I have read the book Dissolving Illusions. I also have Turtles all the Way Down sitting in my reading pile. I am 71 and I wish I had woken up earlier but at least I have been able to prevent my grandchildren from having any more vaccines. I live in the UK and our childhood vaccine schedule is far fewer that you have - thank goodness! I am grateful that my kids listened to what I found out and are now fully 'red pilled'

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Patricia, I'm in Yorkshire, UK, same as you! Unfortunately my adult kids ignored my pleas, evidence and according to my daughter, her and friends took them "for the greater good." I know it wasn't forced on them, more to do with getting their travel plans in order. To say I am heartbroken is not an understatement. I too have Turtles to read but I keep getting distracted by Substack! I read The Invisible Rainbow first Christmas lockdown and will turn off wifi this Christmas and read the book. I'm a grandma in waiting and now may never achieve the title.

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I am so sorry Markker - that would be my worst nightmare. My eldest daughter refused but my youngest daughter and her husband took one Pfizer shot. I asked why when I had told them not to and my daughter said 'we did it for the children'. Fortunately they cancelled their second and are now 100% aware of the dangers. My son in law bought me a gift and thanked me for saving his life. I should say that me and my husband did take the AstraZeneca adenovirus vaccines. I was not prepared to go with the new mRNA vaccines but I thought that the DNA vaccines already had a safety record having been used for Ebola. I even did research but at that stage I was not sufficiently aware of how big pharma has totally corrupted the science and peer review process. It was my neighbour who woke me up after telling me his wife had been seriously injured by the Pfizer jab. That is when I started some proper research. The weird thing is I thought I was awake having stopped watching any mainstream media since 2016 soon after the Brexit vote and then all of the propaganda about Trump. I knew about Agenda 21 and 2030 and I knew about the one world government and the climate alarmism hoax but I had never listened to the antivaxxers. I wish I had.

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We are all manipulated. Since turning 65, I got invited by GP to get flu jab. I have had 2. Both were during alleged Covid, but dates a bit hazy now. First time, not only flu, but also pneumonia. Who wouldn't if you believed in health care system, right? Second time, was a drive through, even before pandemic, but now seriously wondering actual dates. Will enquire at GP tomorrow. But what I want to say is that in Jan, 2020, I got ill, live alone, limited interaction with public, especially in winter, you know how UK is. I not only had severe cold but had gastro probs and severe shortness of breath with hacking cough, persisting 3 weeks then leaving me incapacitated for months. Now, was it alleged covid before covid officially announced, or result of recent flu jab, or from installation of new wifi towers, chem trials, in vinicity? I have no doubt that if C tests available then, I would have been positive, then subjected to life shortening treatments.

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Have a look on Zowe substack. She was a hospital medical coder and realise these are WHO international codes. Easy to create any pandemic.

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Dec 22, 2023·edited Dec 22, 2023


Turtles All the Way Down is a fan-made short film by a small group of college students at Abilene Christian University in Abilene, Texas in the course of just three days. Based upon the novel by John Green (The Fault in Our Stars, Looking For Alaska, Paper Towns), Turtles All the Way Down is about a girl who has OCD and constantly believes she is infected with a disease, she tries to control her thoughts and find her true self. The novel was adapted into a screenplay and directed by Rankin Dean. We did our best to stay true to the book out of our love for it, but some things were changed in order to work better for the short film, since we didn't have a full two hours to tell the whole story. Beyond Star Films does not own, or claim to own, the rights to John Green's book or to the music in the film. This film is completely free to watch and is purely fan-made. The music in the film is by Rob Simonsen from his soundtrack of "The Spectacular Now."

Enjoy 💓

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No I didn't know - I will watch that later - thanks

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Dec 22, 2023·edited Dec 22, 2023Liked by Aravind Mohanoor

So basically the whole reporting system is being used to cover up rather than alert.

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COVID19 vaccines have broken VAERS almost completely. I don't think things were this bad until Jan 2021.

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Dec 22, 2023Liked by Aravind Mohanoor

Pre COVID it was clear there was massive under-reporting but now thanks to the stellar work by you and others who have selflessly devoted themselves to uncovering the truth we can see what a mess it is. I am in the UK and similarly our system has been shown to be broken. Thanks for everything you do.

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Thank you for keeping New Zealand properly informed 💓

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Thank you for all your hard work.

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